An enticing, mouthwatering medley of Sicilian lime and zesty bergamot with a juicy heart busting with ripe mandarins, aquatic white florals, peppery basil and caraway seeds. Base notes include soft, velvety patchouli and sharp green vetivert.
Gift Set Includes: Lime, Basil & Mandarin 40 Hour Candle.
Lime, Basil & Mandarin 165ml Reed Diffuser
Lime, Basil & Mandarin Duo Gift Set
30cl Candles
560g (up to 40 hours burn time)
H8cm x W9.2cm x L9.2cm-
165ml glass bottle Reed Diffusers
6 reeds
Lasts up to 4 months
Never leave burning candles unattendedPlease read our safety sheets here